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Earthquakes and Debt...


Today was an intense emotion day for me and lots of other people...

This morning I woke up to the rattling sound of my curtains and book shelves because there was a 7.5 earthquake that hit Mexico City and I'm not going to lie... I feared for my life and the people I love because I had never experienced something like this before...

As I listened to dogs barking, people screaming and things falling I grabbed the wall and thought about what would happen if I died there, am I satisfied with my life? Have I done enough so that I can die without worries?

NO, in fact HELL NO!

This is not how it ends

When something like this happens you're whole life changes perspective, and after the earthquake ended and I called everybody making sure they were OK, I looked at my life in a whole new light.

You know how when you go bowling with your friends there is always a guy or gal who just throws the ball almost without looking and twists and turns praying the it will be a strike?

Well that's what I was doing with my business, I was launching campaigns and praying that I got a sale not knowing that undesranding techique I can control the direction and speed of the ball and make it a strike every time.

People talk about "Breakthroughs" all the time, well I got mine literally shake out of me by planet earth...

And all of a sudden it was like I had a perfect map towards success and now all I have to do is follow it, and as I realized that I could be gone from this earth in an instant I asked myself...

What am I going to leave behind for my friends and family? A bunch of reciepts? HELL NO! NO WAY!

I looked at my life and at my business and I could see clearly exactly why the things that worked, worked and why the things that didn't, didn't... I really wish you could climb inside my head and see the map.

But as you're reading this, you're reading the begginig of my brand new life...

THIS IS MY TIME, that's it period, and it's your time too...

If you're sick and tired of struggling, of just getting by, and not living up to your full potencial because you don't have enough resources mentaly, spiritualy or financialy... I know how you feel.

If you're sick and tired of being sick and tired, not having what you want in life and having people tell you all the time that you're not smart enough, pretty enough or talented enough, and all the BULLSHIT! broke people like to say...

I know exactly how you feel and I feel the same way, yesterday I got blazing hell fire in my heart and eyes, and I know now how to break free from that broken system we call society.

But I don't want to just do it for myself, I want to take as many people as I possibly can with me, if you're reading this post still I know you're the person I want to talk to, because all the wussies stoped reading awhile ago...

If you're as pissed of as I am, if you also have fire in your heart and in your eyes,

here is the last link you will ever need

click it and enter your information, and by doing so you are shaking my hand in complete commitment with me and with yourself to do whatever it takes, to jump through obstacles and run through walls to have not only the life you want but the life that you and the people you love DESERVE...

Shake my hand

and run with me,

Yamil Senior

Tired of all the crap and fluf people say just to get paid, I want to show you how to take back complete control of your life...

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